Year 1/2
Welcome to Year One and Two
Here you will be able to find a wealth of information about the many exciting things we will be getting up to over the coming year. In addition, you will also find information regarding events and resources to support learning at home. If you have any questions during the course of the year, please do not hesitate to contact us through the usual school channels.
The Key Stage One Team
Who's Who?
We are very lucky to have a number of friendly faces in the Key Stage One team.
Class Teachers: Mrs Pearce, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Benson and Mr Park
Additional Teaching Staff: Mrs Allington and Mrs Hicks
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Feltham, Miss Dorman, Mrs Thackeray and Mrs Dosser
PPA Staff: Madame Ramsden, Mrs Hicks and Mr Bissett.
PE Days
Due to the way our timetables are organised, PE days may alter. We would therefore suggest bringing kits into school on a Monday and leaving them in the cloakrooms until Friday. Please remember that for safety reasons, earrings are not allowed to be worn or 'taped' for PE sessions. If your child is unable to remove their own earrings, please ensure they are removed prior to the start of the school day as unfortunately we are unable to do it on your behalf. We thank you for your co-operation in this regard.
For an overview of our topics for the forthcoming year, please open the Topic Theme Overview attached further down the this page.
Maths Workshops
These workshops were held on Thursday 23rd January after school. A PDF version of the slides and the resources shared at the Y1 parent workshop can be found further down this page. A link to the Y2 resources shared during the workshop can be found directly below.
Year 2 Maths Workshop slides